SET MASK GURU 6, Botex Pharma

Original price was: 216.00 lei.Current price is: 172.80 lei.

Set  format din 6 Măști.

All BotexPharma products are 100% natural.

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  • Natural mask with spirulina powder suitable for all skin types, especially for oily and impure skin, spirulina is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Thanks to its active ingredients, it is excellent as an antioxidant, invigorating, soothing. The vitamins and antioxidants present in spirulina stimulate the production of collagen and new cells from the deeper layers of the epidermis and also prevent the harmful action of free radicals. Thanks to the combination with hyaluronic acid, it has a compacting, redensifying, anti-aging effect after just a few applications.
  • Natural mask with charcoal powder - product intended for oily and mixed skin, recommended for those with hypersensitivity problems. Thanks to its active ingredients, it creates a purifying and detoxifying action, leaving the skin soft and velvety. Charcoal powder removes dead cells and cleans pores, improving appearance and brightness. Thanks to the combination with hyaluronic acid, it has a compacting, redensifying, anti-aging effect after just a few applications.
  • Natural mask with coconut powder is often used for dry or stressed skin and in synergy with hyaluronic acid, deeply hydrates the skin, avoiding dehydration and soothing inflammation and cracks. Thanks to its ingredients, it creates a nourishing and emollient action, leaving the skin soft and hydrated. Coconut milk powder contains a high percentage of lauric acid with strong moisturizing and soothing properties. This mask can also be used on young skin, as it is not aggressive and does not have a high abrasive power.
  • Natural mask with coffee powder creates a smoothing action. Coffee owes its cosmetic properties to the presence of caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and in cosmetics it is used to prepare anti-aging products for the face, body and eye area. The cosmetic use of coffee for the face is suitable for combating bags and dark circles, loss of tone and elasticity and promoting cell turnover. Suitable for all skin types, it gives the face a glowing and more toned effect even to the touch. Thanks to the combination with hyaluronic acid, it has a compacting, redensifying, anti-aging effect after just a few applications.
  • Natural mask with cocoa powder creates a remineralizing, exfoliating and nourishing action, leaving the skin soft and compact. Suitable for all skin types. Cocoa is an excellent element that deeply nourishes the skin, making it velvety. Due to the presence of antioxidants and mineral salts, this product is a fundamental ingredient in beauty treatments. Rich in flavonoids (antioxidants), it helps prevent wrinkles.
  • Mască naturală cu pudră de argilă verde – potrivit pentru toate tipurile de piele, în special pentru cele cu acnee. Datorită ingredientelor sale, produce o acțiune de netezire și iluminare, lăsând pielea moale.  Argila verde, cu puterea sa absorbantă și remineralizantă, are proprietăți antioxidante deoarece este capabilă să se lege de radicalii liberi responsabili de îmbătrânirea pielii, având o acțiune de vindecare și dezinfectare, favorizând regenerarea pielii. Argila verde este utilă și în tratamentul tenului gras, mixt și impur. Masca, îmbogățită cu acid hialuronic este un elixir de calitate care conferă pielii un aspect hidratant și catifelat.
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